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Andreas Gursky Exhibition - Hayward Gallery
25 January - 22 April 2018 Prices: £16 - £7.25 (Members go Free) A multitude of tiny dark individuals assemble, dissolve and assemble...
Irina Anghel
Jan 26, 20184 min read

Red Star over Russia: A Revolution in Visual Culture 1905-1955 - Tate Modern
8 November 2017 – 18 February 2018 Adult: £11.30 Concession: £10 In the light of the recent Red October, Tate Modern has opened its doors...
Michael Clarke
Nov 8, 20173 min read

Looking at Venezuelan Photographer Lucia Pizzani
At first glance, this dark and abstract photograph catches the eye as a surreal portrayal seemingly lifted off from an H.R Giger design...
Andres Fuentes
Oct 27, 20173 min read

5 Must-See Art Exhibitions this August
Matisse in the Studio at The Royal Academy of Arts: If you have ever been eager to step into the creative realm of influential artist...
Sara Naffa
Aug 15, 20173 min read

The Multiple Purposes of Art
“Art for Art’s sake”, insisted the French poet Théophile Gautier in the early 19th century. This is an attractive notion, but is it that...
Victor Chaix
Aug 15, 20173 min read
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